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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Woods-McNish

Work from Home Sanity

Updated: May 18, 2020

Maintaining you're sanity and level of productivity while working from home- during a pandemic. Sounds easy, right? Even mighty moms are struggling with WFH routines in this new environment. Here's how I'm surviving- and dare I say thriving- while working from home.

My Work from Home set up... for IG of course. While not quite an illusion the reality I've come to embrace includes incorporating new techniques to make my work from home work for me.

At this point most of us have been sheltering in place and working from home for a few weeks now with our little ones/ co-workers, so I wanted to share a few tips that have helped me stay sane and productive.

Tips on making Working from Home Work for You:

1- Maintaining a clean, organized and dedicated workspace helps me stay focused and productive. Items such as pictures, art, candles and flowers set the mood for getting things done.

2️- I try as much as possible to stick to the same routine we had prior to sheltering in place. Mimicking the kids' school schedule helps us all to have some kind of structure. Waking up at the same time, and getting dressed in real clothes well a dressed up version of pjs- goes a long way.

3️- One thing I strive to have control of is how I start and end my day. When I wrap up my day, I try not to leave my workspace in shambles by cleaning my workspace and writing a to-do list for the next day. I've noticed that when I wrap up my workday properly I have a better start which gives me a lot of momentum and grace for things that will inevitably fall apart with having kids at home all day.

4️- I know having the kids at home can be stressful but I try to take advantage of this precious time to bond with them. Whether it's having dedicated lunch dates, taking recess to do some sort of physical activity or simply giving them a hug in between meetings helps me relieve stress and stay connected to my little people. The kids love these rituals to!

These are just a few of the many thing that help me stay productive, and sane, while working from home during this covid-19 pandemic.

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