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Updated: May 27, 2020

The past few months have been well... stressful. I’m used to stressful moments, periods of time that are more taxing than others. All mothers can relate to the joys and stresses of the miraculous juggling acts we do each and every day! Over time I’ve learned ways to manage these stressful moments or to avoid them all together. However, lately I’ve found that what worked in the past just isn’t enough and that I really need to work at creating spaces for myself that are free of stress. What’s working best for me are things that are both simple and practical. Nothing earth shattering just tried and true methods that require thought and intention to put into place. Below are 5 tips on managing life’s stressful moments:

Get Your Blood Pumping

Exercise is key not for only your physical health, but your mental health as well. We all know this but how often do we practice it (especially now- hello COVID-15)? A healthy body and mind keeps our stress levels at bay. Exercise reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers (and they also help improve your mood). Lately the kids and I have been taking 30 minute bike rides around the neighborhood. Simple fun that gets all of our blood pumping- and a few laughs as I may have fallen off of my bike once or twice- lol!

Get Outdoors

Did you know that being in nature (or even just viewing scenes of nature on the TV or in books) potentially reduces anger, stress, fear, and instead, it increases pleasant feelings? Being exposed to nature not only makes you feel better mentally and emotionally, but it can also make you feel better physically, too. This is why so many people focus on grounding and other nature-centric activities. Being in nature helps reduce blood pressure, reduces your heart rate, reduces your stress significantly. Nature can be a simple walk or click away.


Are there projects or chores in your life that add stress? Outsourcing these projects or tasks can figuratively and literally lighten your load. Things such as grocery shopping, house cleaning, and lawn care can help in your day-to-day life, but do not forget about outsourcing bigger projects too such as hiring a company to help you with a move. It's important to work with companies and people that put you at ease- not add to your stress. Make sure they’re honest, affordable, and careful with your belongings. Movers such as Fresh Start - The Moving Crew, are extremely skilled when it comes to doing the job the right way.

Fresh Start - The Moving Crew believes in handling your move with the three E’s: ease, experience, and efficiency. Every aspect of your move is important to them, as their business is grown by referrals and high recommendations. They are 100% committed to your satisfaction during the entire process, and this will allow you to sit back, without the added stress. When you call Fresh Start - The Moving Crew, you can receive a free over-the-phone moving quote and ask as many questions as you need. After this, they will meet you for a completely free onsite appointment to ensure that all of your details are accounted for, in order to give you the fairest price possible. Finally, when you’re ready to use them as your movers, their expert crew will arrive ready to get the job done properly. These Worcester MA commercial movers and residential movers are ready to give you the best moving experience possible, and reduce your stress load.

Take Time For Yourself

Has transitioning to work from home added more work to your plate? Are the kids virtual schooling driving you to drink- or at least wondering how you ever graduate? Worried about the health of a friend or loved one?

At the end of the day, find a way to unwind and forget about it all- even if it is just for a little while. I know that it can be hard to just forget about the stressors in your life, but it's important to do something you truly love, something for yourself in order to pour back into yourself. I’m a firm believe that you can not pour from an empty cup so before you can truly help someone else you yourself must have something to pour from.

Read a book- or an audiobook, write in your journal, drink that glass of wine, have that bowl of ice cream, take that nice relaxing bubble bath. Whatever helps you relax, that’s what you should focus on - and this looks different for each individual person. The key is to not make this a one time occasion but to incorporate taking time for yourself into your everyday life.


Something we do so naturally without thought can also be hard to do. Nowadays, it’s really hard to take time to just sit still and breathe. Taking time out of your day to focus on being still and breathing can significantly benefit you in the long run. Meditation is a great example of doing breath work that can directly benefit your mental health. If you have mental stress, it can speed up the heart and raise your blood pressure. Meditation can reverse the physiological signs of stress! It slows the heart rate, lowers the blood pressure, and even changes your skin temperature. While meditation is hard to do (especially when you’re first getting started), it is so beneficial and rewarding when it comes to lowering your stress load. Two of my favorite mindfulness and breathing mobile apps are Headspace and Stop, Breathe and Think.

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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Woods-McNish

Updated: May 18, 2020

Maintaining you're sanity and level of productivity while working from home- during a pandemic. Sounds easy, right? Even mighty moms are struggling with WFH routines in this new environment. Here's how I'm surviving- and dare I say thriving- while working from home.

My Work from Home set up... for IG of course. While not quite an illusion the reality I've come to embrace includes incorporating new techniques to make my work from home work for me.

At this point most of us have been sheltering in place and working from home for a few weeks now with our little ones/ co-workers, so I wanted to share a few tips that have helped me stay sane and productive.

Tips on making Working from Home Work for You:

1- Maintaining a clean, organized and dedicated workspace helps me stay focused and productive. Items such as pictures, art, candles and flowers set the mood for getting things done.

2️- I try as much as possible to stick to the same routine we had prior to sheltering in place. Mimicking the kids' school schedule helps us all to have some kind of structure. Waking up at the same time, and getting dressed in real clothes well a dressed up version of pjs- goes a long way.

3️- One thing I strive to have control of is how I start and end my day. When I wrap up my day, I try not to leave my workspace in shambles by cleaning my workspace and writing a to-do list for the next day. I've noticed that when I wrap up my workday properly I have a better start which gives me a lot of momentum and grace for things that will inevitably fall apart with having kids at home all day.

4️- I know having the kids at home can be stressful but I try to take advantage of this precious time to bond with them. Whether it's having dedicated lunch dates, taking recess to do some sort of physical activity or simply giving them a hug in between meetings helps me relieve stress and stay connected to my little people. The kids love these rituals to!

These are just a few of the many thing that help me stay productive, and sane, while working from home during this covid-19 pandemic.

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