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Hi! I'm Janelle, and I'm a Soccer Mom.

I’m a nontraditional soccer mom on a mission to help busy moms live a stylishly simply life. As a wife, mother of twins, professional, former beauty queen, and community advocate, I wear many hats and titles. I hold three degrees- including an MBA, have won numerous professional awards including Boston Business Journal 40 under 40, and serve on various Boards including City Year Boston, Common Impact and Needham Bank. I’m a former Mrs. Massachusetts America, placed 2nd runner up at Mrs. International, and competed in Mrs. Universe ltd. pageant held in South Africa. I advocate and raise awareness about Sex Trafficking. I’ve even wrote a children’s book.  


All of this means absolutely nothing when you’re standing on a soccer field in the freezing rain cheering on your kids- and heckling the other crazy parents. Some of the best lessons- and advice- I’ve received have come from being a Soccer Mom.  My goal is simple- I am redefining what it means to be a Soccer Mom- a Millennial Mom- a Mom in general. I’m committed to paving the way for other mommas who want to have it all- as they choose to define it. Follow my journey on and off the soccer field- no cleats or mini-van required!

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